Tag Archives: Islington

Delhi Grill, Islington

I love Twitter; a few months ago I was lucky enough to spot a tweet from Hannah Norris of Nourish PR asking for anyone working in a North London office to get in touch. There was free food to be had so of course I emailed right away. It turned out Hannah was handling PR for the newly opened Delhi Grill in Chapel Market, Islington, an Indian ‘Dhaba‘ Canteen seeking in their own words to serve:

“Indian food as it should be – freshly ground spices – slow-cooked – deep, delicious flavours – no stir in sauces – and not swimming in oil”

In order to promote their opening and get the word out they wanted to send some free lunch time rotis out to businesses nearby; I gave Hannah our office address and people numbers and that was that. Weeks went by and all remained silent, then suddenly about a month ago I got another email from Hannah; how was Friday for a roti delivery? Brilliant, I sent word round the office that Friday would be free lunch day. Continue reading

Ottolenghi, Islington

Grilled Asparagus with a Poached Egg and Roasted Pork Belly

Grilled Asparagus with a Poached Egg and Roasted Pork Belly

A few weeks ago I took one of my best friends in the world on a date, dinner and a movie, to celebrate his aging one more year.  The plan had formed around the oncoming release of Eclipse, the third film in the Twilight Saga.  Yes the Twilight Saga, no I’m not ashamed; angst ridden vampires are hot, they just are, even if this particular series does stray frequently into wangst territory instead*.  Initially this was to be paired with a trip to Brindisa, to satisfy my friend’s never sated lust for prawns, however like the cheap date that I am when I went to book the film tickets I immediately noticed that I could save six whole pounds if we cinema’d closer to home in Angel; that’s right six whole pounds.  This meant Brindisa was off the cards, but no worry there were plenty of places for us to eat on Upper Street, and I had one in particular in mind.

So early in the week I made the call to Ottolenghi to book our pre-cinema table. Continue reading