Category Archives: Cook Books

Squash Seed, Parsley, Chilli and Goat’s Cheese Pesto

Spaghetti with squash seed, parsley, chilli and goat's cheese pesto and roasted squash.

This was something I first tried a few months ago, it’s slightly less seasonal now but still just as frugal and you can always replace the squash seeds with pumpkin seeds from a packet.

Anyway, I’d bought a squash with the usual plans to roast and mix with pasta/risotto/whiz into soup, when a though occurred to me; could you eat squash seeds the same way you could eat pumpkin seeds? I couldn’t see why not, they’re basically just variants on the same fruit. So I Googled it, and according to the internet you can. Continue reading

Lentils and Chorizo Stew

Lentils and Chorizo Stew
Lentils and chorizo stew; incredibly simple and yet equally delicious. Warming, filling and comforting this is exactly the sort of food I want as the nights draw in ever earlier and the air develops a distinctly chilly nip. My mum was the first person to cook this for me a couple of years ago using the recipe below from Fresh Spanish by Sergio Vasquez;  a lovely book, filled with delicious sounding easy to follow recipes for various Spanish dishes, which she has since gifted me a copy of after I repeatedly lost my photocopied pages and had to call once again for amounts and instructions.  Reading through my mum’s copy I’d found loads of recipes to be bookmarked for future cooking and I was happy to see how easy the chorizo stew would be to make as well as I suspected fairly cheap too judging by the ingredients, and at the time this was all the more important as I struggled my way though the questionable expense of a post-graduate degree. Continue reading